MPT Exam Preparation for bar exam candidates. The Rigos Multistate Performance Test (MPT) text has been updated for all 2025 NCBE content changes. This edition has six chapters including an Introduction that covers exam and question details, four chapters on the different types of NCBE task questions, and one chapter covering the professional responsibility issues that have recently been tested on the MPT.
The book "walks-through" the preferred task answer creation process providing a structured approach towards Library and File resource information gathering. Four separate chapters focus on Persuasive briefs, Objective memoranda, Office tasks, and Litigation tasks using a walk-through approach. Over a dozen tasks are analyzed with detailed approach explanations provided. There is an optional personal task writing assistance program available for students who want grader feedback on their MPT answers and focused suggestions for improvement. Some students find this add-on quite helpful in making their good task answers into great task answers.